Da Great Old Amendment !
Texas : cop watching et politique de la tension !
Da Old Russian Way !
Russia Today et Infowars
Da Freedom of Reach
27. 5. 2022
Cops arrested him for filming in public, but things took a bizarre turn when the case went to court
The arrest of a Texas cop watcher for filming in public is the most recent chilling example of how law enforcement across the country is attempting to roll back auditors' First Amendment rights. Jack Miller, also known as Texas Sheepdog, was filming outside the Olmos Park, Texas, City Hall when police arrested and charged him with multiple crimes. The ensuing five-day trial and jury verdict reveal that citizens' ability to film in public is facing new obstacles and concerted pushback from the government.
Première diffusée il y a 19 heures
publiTuerie dans une école du Texas : c is
Un tireur a tué 19 enfants et deux adultes dans une école primaire à Uvalde, au Texas, avant d'être abattu par la police, mardi 24 mai 2022. Les élèves avaient entre 7 et 10 ans.
https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/usa/fusillades-aux-etats-unis/etats-unis-ce-que-l-on-sait-de-la-fusillade-dans-une-ecole-du-texas-ou-19-enfants-et-deux-adultes-ont-ete-tues_5158138.html fac
L'axe Berlin-Moscou...
...Paris. 2003. L'axe de la paix !
2015- Comme menace existentielle pour le Chicago council on global affairs...
22 février 2022- La réponse russe en Ukraine : l'existentialisme des territoires conquis
Naissance des Républiques populaires de Lugansk et de Donetsk et coup des Sudètes (?)
24 février 2022: précédent cubain et démilitarisation de l'Ukraine
Pétrole et phynance : les grands gagnants de la crise ukrainienne
1921: la vraie décommunisation: Nestor Makhno !
Les Républiques contre attaquent !
YouTube geoblocks Russia Today, Sputnik channels in Europe
Google has just announced that YouTube will geoblock the Kremlin-affiliated media outlets Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik in Europe, following pressure from regional lawmakers to choke off Russian war propaganda.
As TechCrunch reported earlier, the EU confirmed last night that the ban on RT, Sputink and their subsidiaries will cover all distribution channels, including online platforms.
On Monday the EU’s internal market commissioner, Thierry Breton, held a video call with the CEOs of Google and YouTube to press them to step up their efforts.
Facebook’s parent Meta and TikTok also opted to geoblock Russian-state affiliated media accounts, rather than suspending or banning their accounts entirely.
Twitter and Microsoft have also taken a slightly different tack, reflecting the difference nuances of their platforms — saying they would take measures to reduce visibility of state-sponsored RT and Sputnik content, so essentially limiting their freedom of reach.
RT, Information War, and Billions of Views...
RT and Simonyan herself really like to juggle their relative numbers (“the popularity of RT in Hong Kong and Taiwan is growing faster that of Fox News”) and statements such as “overtaking the online presence of major international news organizations, such as Al Jazeera, Deutsche Welle, Voice of America, Euronews, France 24, and Japanese NHK.“
“Online presence” — this is generally Simonyan’s fetish. Her favorite number is how many billions of views RT gets on YouTube. The first billion (“the first news channel that reached the one billion mark!”) was recognized practically with fireworks, along with national news headlines. In just one of her LiveJournal posts, Simonyan makes the point no fewer than four times that:
Television station №1 on YouTube has more than 2.5 billion views
On RT’s header image on YouTube, they write that they are the “Most Watched News Network on YouTube — Over 4 billion views.”
La narrative Benningcat.com reproche aux dirigeants de R.T. d'avoir acheté les views et que leur popularité ne soit que l'illusion fabriquée de toutes pièces par un marketing agressif. Leur audience serait essentiellement factice. Seulement, tout ce qui n'est pas interdit, est autorisé; en matière commerciale et de construction d'audience également. Les exemples ne manquent pas :
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, les leçons d'une hyper-communication ...
31 oct. 2021
SADB SPb - "The Curb"
31 oct. 2021 SADB World
Première mise à jour :17.1.2022
Dernière mise à jour: 27. 5. 2022