Once upon a time...
Da Jamahiriya Legacy...:
- Faire du désert une rivière
- Les Invasions Barbares
- Diplomatie : Isratine - 9/11 - Le Dinar Or
- La Démocratie Directe
...a Republic
19th century reconstruction of Eratosthenes of Cyrene' map of the known world, c. 194 BC.
Bunbury, E.H. A History of Ancient Geography among the Greeks and Romans from the Earliest Ages till the Fall of the Roman Empire. London: John Murray, 1883.
...in a desert
Libye | La Rivière de Kadhafi dans le Désert !
Afrique Révélée
Da Jamahiriya Legacy
Originale par pimpdarlin le 27 août 2011
Ceské titulky par osudcz le 22 oct. 2011
Les invasions barbares...
CIA's 30-Year Plot To Take Down Americas Deadly Enemy: Gaddafi
Da Gaddafi Legacy
The One-State Solution : Isratine
The compromise is one state for all, an “Isratine” that would allow the people in each party to feel that they live in all of the disputed land and they are not deprived of any one part of it.
9/11 :
kadhafi a propos du 11 Septembre 2001 /!\ by spartakus67dhm
The Gold Dinar under Attack
According to some, the invasion of Libya was about protecting civilians, others said it was about Libya’s vast oil reserves but everyone was convinced that it was all about currency, specifically Gaddafi’s plan to introduce the gold dinar, a single African currency made from gold that would eventually replace the US dollar when trading with Africa. Many scholars have said that it's the kind of thing that one has to plan almost in secret and launch when ready because as soon as you say it, you’ll have a bullseye on your back. You see the world relies on the US dollar, giving America Unparalleled Economic Dominance. Nearly 90% of international currency transactions are in dollars, 60% of foreign exchange reserves are held in dollars and almost 40% of the world’s debt is issued in dollars. That gives the US extraordinary power over nearly anyone who imports or exports anything anywhere. Clinton’s victory lap was explained away as Mission Accomplished for the US-NATO intervention following reports of mass atrocities under Gaddafi. It was later revealed that President Obama had asked his advisors to draw up options including a new military front in Libya and the Defense Department was reportedly standing ready with the full spectrum of ground military operations required. The 2016 publication of Clinton’s emails revealed another agenda behind the Libyan war, one which it seems was achieved. Prevention of the demise of the American buck as well as prevention of the creation of the independent hard currency in Africa that would free the continent from its economic bondage, rival the dollar, the Euro and put an end to the exploitative French African franc.
Ce qu'avait compris Kadhafi
Chacun de nous peut être pendu par les Etats-Unis comme l'a été Saddam Hussein, ancien président d'Irak, a prévenu le défunt colonel Mouammar Kadhafi lors de son discours prémonitoire au sommet de la Ligue des États arabes en 2008.
Démocratie Directe
La troisième théorie universelle
Le livre vert
How long shall they kill our prophets...
Morituri Te Salutant...
Aujourd'hui, le mensonge est devenu un "acte moral"...
"Le point de sublimation du réel a été entrevu lorsque l’ancien ministre de la Justice de Gadhafi dans son rôle d’animateur d’une révolution libyenne a justifié benoîtement la fabrication de fausses informations pour étayer la thèse d’un régime honni par la peuple et à abattre à tout prix. La mise en scène et le tournage de fausses manifestations antigouvernementales sur la place Bab Al azizia de Tripoli dans les studios d’Al Jazeera à Doha sont des actes moraux, ils devaient hâter la chute du tyran."
Camus réveille-toi, ils sont devenus fous...
Première mise en ligne :12. 2. 2013
Dernière mise à jour : 5. 8. 2024